State of the Economy
With President Biden giving his State of the Union address yesterday, this is a good time to look at the state of the economy. Here are graphs showing where the economy has been going the ....
Today's news? I'm still figuring out what happened last year!
With President Biden giving his State of the Union address yesterday, this is a good time to look at the state of the economy. Here are graphs showing where the economy has been going the ....
Preliminary statistics show that the United States homicide rate is back down to where it was before the 30% jump in 2020. Though the US president has little influence over the crime rate, statistics show ....
With more talk lately about whether European NATO members are spending enough on their militaries, I took a look around the internet to find a nice chart. What I found were a lot of out-of-date ....
How much do you think European countries are spending on Ukraine? Short answer is: they are spending a bigger fraction of their GDP to help Ukraine than we are. And more total money too. The ....
Donald Trump's clearest misbehavior came on the afternoon of January 6, 2023, when he watched his followers attack the United States Capitol for nearly three hours before he told them to go home. An infographic ....
For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be King; and there ought to be no other. -Thomas Paine, Common Sense Trump is marching towards the ....
Photo: flag amidst flames, from USA Today. Are you alarmed? You should be. NPR keeps interviewing Republicans debating about the presidential primary. Objections to Trump run along the lines of “he has an obnoxious personality” ....
[Image: A Scholar in his Study (detail), by Thomas Wyck.] Since I started Slow News in January 2020, we've had a pandemic, an attempted coup by the president against the government, a giant war in ....
Another chapter of Team Trump's election lies was in the news with the start of jury deliberations in a defamation trial against Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani. That means Mr. Giuliani sat through the entire case ....
“terror, noun… 2: violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon of intimidation or coercion, especially: violent or destructive acts (such as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or ....