Democrats – Protection of Minorities

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What races and ethnic groups do the initiatives described above help? All of them.

Some people claim that many White workers abandoned Democrats because Democrats abandoned them in favor of an obsession with racial justice.  Yet most of the energy of the Democratic Party has gone into passing laws (like the ones I describe above) that help everyone, particularly working class people.

On the other hand, I hear some Black and Hispanic voters asking, “We keep voting for Democrats, but what have they done for us?”  I am focusing here on how the Biden and Obama administrations have helped the working class, not just the White working class.  In fact, almost half the working class consists of people of color. Often it is Blacks and other minorities that are the most victimized by threats that Democrats are addressing, like unemployment, predatory mortgages – or climate change

This applies to other issues as well.  Trump appointees have stripped away federal protection for abortion, and many states are working hard to make sure that women can’t get one. This affects everyone who doesn’t want to experience forced childbirth, but barriers to abortion do not affect everyone equally. People of color are more than 60% of people seeking abortions, disproportionately live in Southern states with the most restrictive abortion laws, and tend to have worse medical care in general. 

Of course, Democratic administrations have also been working to enforce civil rights laws. For instance, the Biden Administration caught mortgage companies who in the 21st century were still trying to avoid providing home loans to Black and Hispanic families.  Donald Trump also promises to fight discrimination – against White people [note 6].