Trump Drunk Driver

Let a Drunk Driver Bring Your Kids to School

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It is remarkable, the reasons people find for doing anything other than voting for Harris in order to keep Trump as far from the White House as possible.

My analogy is, you asked your friend Ronald to drive your kids to school, and he crashed the car and got a DUI citation. Then you say you will let him drive the kids again rather than asking your sober friend Padma do it because…
“…the kids think Padma is boring”
“…the kids only got a little bruised in the other crash, so they will probably be okay”
“…DUI is just an artificial construct of the state. Aren’t we all a little DUI when you think about it?”
“…Padma’s brother-in-law has even more DUIs”
“…Padma sometimes goes 5 mph above the speed limit, so really both of them disobey motor vehicle laws”
“…you do not know for sure Ronald will be drunk next time he drives them”
“…at least the DUI guy openly drinks and crashes. How do you know Padma is not secretly drinking before she drives?”
“…you just THINK Ronald crashed the car drunk because you saw him and your kids next to his smashed-up car and you went to the trial where he was convicted. Fake News.”
“…drinking relaxes people and actually makes them BETTER drivers”
“…shutup you elite liberal welfare-cheating snob”