Post Election FB Diary. (3) Reading for the Growing Threat

Yes it was a coup attempt. Here’s Why

Brilliant article by international relations expert Fiona Hill connects the dots to show how all of Trump’s actions have been building to an illegal seizure of power. There is still grave danger.

Christian Nationalism Talks Religion, but Walks Fascism

Great article about how Christian Nationalism provides a home for fascism to grow in the US, a deadly threat that has become clearer since soon-to-be-ex-president Trump began denying that he lost the election.

Note that this critique of Christian Nationalism is not a criticism of Christianity in general, which of course includes people with many different political and social views.

The American Abyss

That’s one desperate power grab for a man, a growing threat to mankind.

‘Like historical fascist leaders, Trump has presented himself as the single source of truth. His use of the term “fake news” echoed the Nazi smear Lügenpresse (“lying press”); like the Nazis, he referred to reporters as “enemies of the people.”’

“Post truth is pre-fascism”: a Holocaust historian on the Trump era

For four years I told people that Trump was a terrible leader but he wasn’t that much of a threat to our political system, because I believed that Republicans were as wedded to democracy as Democrats and had no interest in helping Trump destroy it, should he try. Seeing their response to his attempted election steal was a splash of cold water in the face. Now I’m going back to look at writings by those who were sounding the alarm years ago.